Friday, August 29, 2008

Do any health problems increase the danger of taking herbal products and supplements?

Yes. Herbal products and supplements may not be safe if you have certain health problems. You also may be at increased risk of problems from these products if you are elderly. Talk to your doctor before taking herbal products if you have any of the following health problems:

* Blood clotting problems
* Cancer
* Diabetes
* An enlarged prostate gland
* Epilepsy
* Glaucoma
* Heart disease
* High blood pressure
* Immune system problems
* Psychiatric problems
* Parkinson’s disease
* Liver problems
* Stroke
* Thyroid problems

If you are going to have surgery, be sure to tell your doctor if you use herbal products. Herbal products can cause problems with surgery, including bleeding and problems with anesthesia. Stop using herbal products at least 2 weeks before surgery, or sooner if your doctor recommends it.

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