What goes in must go out, and water helps move everything along. Impurities not disposed of in a timely manner via the internal organs of elimination (such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, and large intestine) will find an alternate exit, namely your skin, sometimes referred to as the “third kidney.” Pimples and rashes may develop as your body tries to unload its wastes through your skin. Consciously make an effort to have at least eight to 12 glasses daily will help cleanse your body of toxins and keep your colon functioning as it should. Water also keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized, so drink up!
Most people do not consciously realize that what they eat affects the health of their skin and eat the wrong things which cause all these problems. They get skin care products that never work because the root problem is still present. Diet is probably one of the more common causes of skin problems, so eat well and you may even be able to dump your skin-care products in the bin forever.
I don’t care what else you do to your skin, if you are sleep deprived your skin will look sallow, dull, tired, and saggy; with your puffy eyes, you will resemble a frog prince or princess. And of course, your energy level will be less than desirable. Your skin, which is prone to damage during the day, is repaired as you sleep. Some people require as much as eight to nine hours sleep every night, others can make do with just five.
Remember, there is so substitute for sleep if you want great skin.
Sleep is the best-kept skin care secret.
Remember, there is so substitute for sleep if you want great skin.
Sleep is the best-kept skin care secret.
What goes in must go out, and water helps move everything along. Impurities not disposed of in a timely manner via the internal organs of elimination (such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, and large intestine) will find an alternate exit, namely your skin, sometimes referred to as the “third kidney.” Pimples and rashes may develop as your body tries to unload its wastes through your skin. Consciously make an effort to have at least eight to 12 glasses daily will help cleanse your body of toxins and keep your colon functioning as it should. Water also keeps your skin hydrated and moisturized, so drink up!
Try to exercise outside, to help oxygenate your cells with fresh air and facilitate waste removal through your skin. Exercises such as walking, biking, in-line skating, and weight lifting improve cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance, which translates into increased energy and a rosy complexion. If you live in a city, try to find a green space—a park or a greenway—in which to exercise. If city streets, with their attendant pollution, are your only outdoor option, exercising in a gym may be a better alternative.
Most people do not consciously realize that what they eat affects the health of their skin and eat the wrong things which cause all these problems. They get skin care products that never work because the root problem is still present. Diet is probably one of the more common causes of skin problems, so eat well and you may even be able to dump your skin-care products in the bin forever.
Eating foods rich in anti-oxidants is one of the keys in having great skin. This slows down cell-damage and as you may have already heard a million times, fights free radicals. Berries such as cranberries and blueberries are one of the richest sources of bio flavonoids, antioxidants that destroy free radicals which destroy tissue and reinforce the cells that make up blood vessel walls, increasing blood circulation and giving you those beautiful rosy cheeks. Bright colors on vegetables and fruits signify richness in antioxidants, so eat more of these as well. They include plums, apricots, strawberries, spinach, broccoli and other leafy vegetables.
Chicken, fish and other seafood are also great foods that will benefit the skin. These are good sources of high-quality, low fat protein which helps make your skin more elastic and toned. An additional advantage of eating these is stronger, shinier hair. Also, try to avoid red meats as these will cause less desirable effects on the skin. You have to eat about 60 grams of these a day for a difference in your skin.
Foods with Omega-3 fatty acids are also great for the skin. You can get these as daily supplements, or you could find them in fatty fish like Salmon, Cod and other foods including ground flaxseeds, walnuts, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage.
Vitamin E rich foods will help to prevent dry skin and also helps in the repair and reduction of scars and stretch marks. These foods include hazelnuts, almonds, broccoli, spinach, mango, kiwi, peanuts and sunflower seeds.
Poultry, red meat, fish, bananas, peanut butter and eggs are a rich source of Vitamin B. Eat foods with a low glycaemic Index as they are absorbed very slowly by the body and not cause a sudden rush in blood sugar level. When the blood sugar level increases too rapidly, the pancreas will produce excess insulin that will cause cell-damaging chemicals which cause inflammation. This causes premature aging, among other illnesses such as cancer.
Avoid your sugar
This may hurt, but try to avoid sugar as much as possible. Sugar has been known to weaken the collagen fibres of the skin and also cause them to lose their elasticity. Brown discolouration marks and age spots are caused by this, and no wonder even the middle-aged people nowadays have skin that look decades older. Sugar is hard to avoid, especially now where it is used in many of our processed foods that we don’t even realise contain this sweet substance. Soft drinks and alcohol are one of the most notorious for having plenty of sugar and should be avoided as much as possible.
Control your carbohydrate intake. Eating too much of carbohydrates will cause a hike in your blood-sugar level. Bread, corn, white rice, peas, pasta, potatoes and all refined pastries are high GI carbohydrate foods which you should avoid.
Caffeine makes it very unlikely that the skin cells will ever pick up enough water, even if you drink a gallon of water a day.
Avoid cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke exposes you to damaging free radicals that will accelerate the aging process by damaging the microcapillaries in the skin.
Say good-bye to stress
Stress and tension accelerate the formation of lines around your eyes and can even produce abnormal skin conditions like eczema (where the skin gets dry and itchy; it can even result in broken skin and bleeding).
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