Why women have cellulite ?
More than 80% women know the meaning of cellulite. Moreover, even half of them think that cellulite destroys their ability to live a normal life. Let’s discuss what factors cause this hated defect.Cellulite is a kind of fat tissue just below the surface of the skin. This layer of skin contains bands of connecting tissue that have many fat cells and is surrounded by a liquid that nourishes it and provides an effective waste system. The waste products should be removed, however, because when toxins are trapped in the skin, this connective tissue thickens and gives the dimpling effect of cellulite. This layer also thickens as we age, which can produce the rippling effect of cellulite too.
There is a difference between cellulite and fat, though, in that fat insulates the body and cushions the organs, nerves, and muscles. Cellulite, on the other hand, provides no padding and only occurs in certain areas on the body, such as the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and breasts.
Cellulite is not necessarily a factor of bodyweight. You don't have to be overweight to have cellulite. Though diet and lifestyle affect cellulite formation, a large part of cellulite is comprised of toxins and fat that build up in the body and can affect women of any size, weight, and body structure.
Usually, cellulite can be attributed to a combination of factors and isn't usually caused by just one. Below are the most common :
Diets : If a woman is on a diet for a long time, she will lose weight mostly from the upper part of body, but when she comes back to normal eating, she will usually gain weight on the buttock and thighs. Why is it so? There is a proportion of specific receptors in female’s body, which are responsible for fat storage and destruction: in the upper part of a body there are receptors that destruct fat and in the lower part that store fat. It means, that fast weight loss is not only unhealthy, but it also won’t help to get rid of cellulite, because woman will lose not only fat, but muscles too. Therefore, woman should better choose healthy eating and fitness instead of diets – it will help to restore skin’s elasticity, so cellulite will become not so visible.
Female hormones : Researchers had proved that cellulite belongs to the hormones’ balance in female organism, because they have an influence on the blood vessels. That is why cellulite usually appears during the adolescence, pregnancy, climacteric period and even when woman takes birth control pill. It means, that cellulite may appear even when you are only 14 years old.
Genetics : Does your mother or grandmother suffer from this condition ?
Insufficient water intake : water helps flush excess toxins from the body. Aim for at least 12 cups of water per day.
Stress : stress can cause muscles to seize up with tension while also causing the connective tissue that covers that muscle to seize up. Tension also blocks the tissue, preventing proper waste elimination and purification.
Now you know how it's caused and what it is ... But can you get rid of it ?
The only surefire way of reducing the appearance of cellulite is through consistent exercise, a healthy diet, and plenty of water to flush out the toxins.Don't just rely on long, "slow-and-go" types of cardiovascular exercise alone to get rid of the cellulite. You'll have to incorporate some strength training into your workouts too to increase the muscle tone and also decrease body fat. Many women want to reduce body fat but also firm up their problem areas—becoming leaner and firmer—weight-training will defiantly help to re-shape your body by adding nice, lean, toned muscle tissue to the places you want to firm up.
A program that targets the lower body may be ideal for you. For instance, you could do lower body strength training twice per week but incorporate different exercises on both days.
Great exercises for glutes and thighs include :
- Hamstring curls (on a machine or with a Swiss Ball)
- Step-ups onto a flat exercise bench
- Lunges—you can do a variety of lunges, such as walking lunges, stationary lunges, and split squats
- Squats (barbell or on a Smith Machine)
- Stiff-legged deadlifts (with dumbbells)
- Hyperextensions
Aim for 15 to 20 reps on each exercise, and do three different exercises on each of your lower body days.
With regards to diet, losing weight won't eliminate all cellulite, so don't try to crash diet. This will cause your body to hold onto the fat and may even worsen the appearance of the cellulite. Aim for a healthy, low-fat lifestyle that incorporates plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and some essential fats. And be sure to limit "saturated" fats.
Do the creams, potions, and treatments work for reducing cellulite ?
Alleged "anti-cellulite" products include loofah sponges; cactus fibers; special washcloths; horsehair mitts; creams and gels to "dissolve" cellulite; supplements containing vitamins, minerals, and/or herbs; bath liquids, massagers, rubberized pants; exercise books; brushes; rollers; body wraps; and toning lotions. Many salons offer treatment with electrical muscle stimulation, vibrating machines, inflatable hip-high pressurized boots, "hormone" or "enzyme" injections, heating pads, and massage. I won't go through all these (especially the rubberized pants!), but let's touch on some of the more popular "solutions."
Cellulite creams and gels form the bulk of all cellulite treatments offered.
Some of the newer "body lift" creams such as Christian Dior's Svelte Perfect and Nivea's Body Skin Firming Lotion are all over the women's magazines. In fact, though, these are merely temporary solutions at best that work by plumping up the skin, giving it a sleeker appearance.
Endermologie treatments can be carried out at most day spas.
This is the first FDA-approved non-surgical cellulite treatment. This French machine kneads and massages the skin to release cellulite-forming toxins and increase circulation. Sessions run about $100 each, and it usually takes 10 to 15 sessions to see results. After that, it's recommended you have monthly maintenance sessions. Again, it's a temporary effect that you'd have to carry on with to continue to see results.
Body wraps are another popular treatment in day spas.
These treatments claim to be able to reduce inches off the waist, hips, thighs, and other areas of the body. Generally these facilities apply a special cream or lotion and then tightly wrap your body—often you're subjected to a heated sauna in your "mummified" state! Wraps do work to reduce some inches off the body; however, it's just temporary water weight, which is fine for a special event or night out, but it definitely doesn't reduce bodyfat levels. Losing the fat can only be done through a combination of diet and exercise.
Herbal supplements available in health-food stores.
Supplements such as borage oil, grapeseed extract, and Ginkgo biloba are believed to improve circulation, stimulate fat metabolism, and reduce localized fat storage. These haven't been clinically proven to work on cellulite, though, and a clinical study carried out in November 1999 on a popular herbal cellulite remedy showed no effect on cellulite or body fat levels. (Lis Balchin, M., "Parallel Placebo Controlled Clinical Study of a Mixture of Herbs Sold as a Remedy for Cellulite," Phtyother Res 13.7 (1999 Nov) : 627-9.)
Some of the above treatments may help smooth your skin and temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, but you'll get much better results by doing some of the strength training aimed at your particular trouble spots and taking another look at your nutrition to see if there's anything that can be eliminated, such as caffeine.
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